The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand

11th PILGRIMAGE TO ROME 28, 29 and 30 OCTOBER 2022


Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that I confirm that the 11th Ad Petri Sedem pilgrimage will take place on October 28, 29 and 30, 2022.

– Friday, October 28, with our traditional Vespers at the Pantheon;

– Saturday, October 29, with our procession, preceded by a time of adoration, to Saint Peter’s Basilica for the celebration at the altar of the Chair at 11:30 a.m.;

– Sunday 30 October, with the Mass of Christ the King, our closing ceremony, at 11:00 a.m., at the parish of the Trinità dei Pellegrini.

In addition, on the occasion of this pilgrimage, as it happens every year, “Oremus-Paix Liturgique” will organize a meeting at the Augustinianum on Friday 28, 2022, during which Father Claude Barthe, Trinidad Dufourq, don Nicola Bux, Peter Kwasniewski, Ruben Pereto and Christian Marquant will intervene.

It seems to me that we should make a special effort this year to bring as many priests and faithful as possible from everywhere, and I thank you in advance for all the publicity you will able to do so that the greatest number of participants note these dates in their diaries.

Anyone who wishes can find us on our website

In the meantime, I wish to assure you of my prayers, and I entrust myself to yours.

Christian Marquant.




28 October 2022, 5h30 p.m. –

Vespers, Basilica of Santa Maria “ad Martyres” (Pantheon)

29 October 2022, 9h30 a.m. –

Adoration, Basilica of San Celso

29 October 2022, 10h30 a.m. –

Departure of the Procession to St. Peter’s Basilica

29 October 2022, 11h30 a.m. –

Mass at the altar of the Chair, celebrated

30 October 2022, 11h00 a.m. –

Mass, church of the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini



For full details go to: