The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand

Rev Daniel Mould from Timaru ordained to the Priesthood – FSSP – Deo Gratias

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) Mass Times

We have been advised that the following Latin Masses  (under summorum pontificum) will be celebrated on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)

Auckland Diocese

Mount St Mary’s Titirangi – 4 Rangiwai Rd Titirangi Auckland – 6.30 am – Low Mass

Holy Family Church Te Atatu 94 Taikata Rd, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland7.00 pm – Sung High Mass


Palmerston North Diocese

St Francis Xavier church – 19 Russell Street, Marton – 6.00 pm Low Mass


The Priestly Fraternity has the good news that there are now eight seminarians studying for the priesthood from Australasia, which includes three seminarians from New Zealand.  All Seminary fees are paid by Ezechiel House (the FSSP novitiate in Australia) at A$14,000 per year per seminarian.  With the increasing numbers of seminarians the FSSP is fundraising on behalf of Ezechiel House.   Accordingly, at its AGM on 3 July the Ecclesia Dei Society of New Zealand resolved to donate $1,500 to Ezechiel House towards the fees of the New Zealand seminarians.  We are able to do that through the continuing generosity of our members to our seminary fund.  Donations can also be made direct to Ezechiel House online through the following linked page – scroll down to the link for donations:



The three seminarians from New Zealand pictured are:   Brendan Boyce (photo No 1); Roger Gilbride (photo No 4), Daniel Mould (photo No. 8):




T H E  P R I E S T L Y  F R A T E R N I T Y  O F  S T  P E T E R


Since the foundation of the Fraternity of St Peter in 1988, we have been blessed with consistent enrollments of seminarians in both our major seminaries: Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Nebraska, and St Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad. Given that a notable proportion of these men were from Australia and Asia, the Fraternity decided to found a novitiate house of studies in Sydney, in order to give them an opportunity to discern their vocations closer to home. Since Ezechiel House first opened its doors in 2004, we have already had four   priestly ordinations. Further to that, at present four of our   seminarians are continuing their studies at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary and three new novices have recently joined us in Sydney.


The four seminarians continuing their formation in the USA are  Thomas Sofatzis, from Sydney, and, from New Zealand, Daniel Mould, Brendan Boyce, and Roger Gilbride.

Thomas, Brendan and Roger received the Minor Orders of Porter and Lector on 21 November and they are all doing very well in seminary. They will complete their philosophical studies mid next year and then begin the four year cycle of theology.



The path leading to the altar takes at least seven years. While it is a grace to be blessed with vocations, it creates a unique financial obligation to the FSSP in the Australian Region, where the majority of our annual budget goes towards the formation of our seminarians.

We are already planning our next biennial fundraising dinner for mid-2016, but this will only cover costs of those studying overseas. We also need to raise funds for our weekly expenses back home at Ezechiel House. Our first-year seminarians have asked for support from their respective Latin Mass communities of origin, but we also need to turn to the wider Catholic community for assistance. We ask you to prayerfully consider contributing to this very important work of the formation of good and holy priests for the future of the traditional Mass. God is never outdone in generosity and we pray that He richly reward you for supporting our vocations.

Bishop James Conley Ordains Six in Lincoln


On Saturday, May 30, 2015, six deacons of the Fraternity of St. Peter were ordained to the sacred priesthood by the Most Reverend James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, at the newly-constructed Newman Center Chapel in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Our gratitude and thanks to His Excellency for ordaining these men to the Holy Priesthood, our congratulations to our new priests and their families, and thanks to all our benefactors and friends who have supported these men and the seminary during the course of their studies, with both their prayers and financial assistance.

As each new priest has asked, and we always recommend, please in your kindness continue to pray for them and all of the priests of the Fraternity.

The newly ordained priests are:

  • Father David Franco, FSSP
  • Father John Kodet, FSSP
  • Father Timothy O’Brien, FSSP
  • Father Michael Malain, FSSP
  • Father Ian Verrier, FSSP
  • Father Simon Zurita, FSSP