The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand
Pa Meuli Piriti Inati
Author: Diane Joan Taylor

Written by Diane Taylor, former National Secretary of the Latin Mass Society of New Zealand, this book is a partial account of the life of an extraordinary New Zealand Priest who, like the first Catholic Bishop of New Zealand (Bishop Pompallier), was a man loved through the generations. Fr. Meuli was beloved by many, young and old alike. He was a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand before he came a Catholic priest and Rotal Advocate. His humility caused him to become a Parish Priest in an outlying area of Auckland, Titirangi (which is Maori for “fringe of heaven”). Here he established a Traditional Mass Centre and pursued theological research.
A moving human drama is unfolded in the book regarding Fr. Meuli’s struggles for what is now called the Extraordinary Form of Mass. It begins with the end of his lustrous career, as he is now in his ninety-first year and in frail health. The story concludes with reported suggestions concerning the possibility of Fr. Meuli ‘s canonization at a future date. The book has 106 pages and includes pictures.
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Congratulations to Fr Denzil Meuli who celebrated his 90th birthday on Sunday, 18 September, at the Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Many of Fr Meuli’s former parishioners were in attendance to celebrate his birthday, some attending from other parts of New Zealand; many are parishioners of Mount St Mary’s Titirangi where Fr Meuli served as parish priest from 1989 up until his retirement just a few years ago. All remember, appreciate and love Fr Meuli for his dedication to the Traditional Latin Mass, the sacraments and his pro life work in defence of unborn children.
“P.D. Meuli, born 22 September 1926, entered the national seminary, Mosgiel, New Zealand in 1951. He transferred to the Urban College for the Propagation of the Faith and to the Urban University, Rome, in 1953 where he obtained a Licentiate in Theology and a Licentiate in Philosophy in 1956 and 1959 respectively. December 27, 1956 he was ordained to the priesthood. He secured a Doctorate in Theology at the Gregorian University in 1959, returned to New Zealand to work in parishes in the Auckland diocese. He graduated Bachelor of Laws from the Auckland University Law School in 1976 and was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand the same year. He returned to Rome to enter the Lateran University School of Canon and Civil Law in 1976 and graduated in 1980 Doctor in Utroque Jure, Summa cum Laude after defending the thesis: ‘The Status and the Defences of the Unborn Child in Common Law’. A three year course of studies in law was then undertaken in the school of the Sacred Roman Rota leading, in 1983, to the qualification ‘Rotal Advocate’ licensed to appear before the Sacred Roman Rota and the Signatura Apostolica. This was followed by an administrative law course given by the Sacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Cult. From 1980 to 1985 he was attached to the Regional Tribunal located in Bologna, Italy where he functioned as Defender of the Bond.”
- Happy Birthday Fr Meuli