The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand

Bishop Basil Meeking, Requiescat in Pace

It is with sadness we record the passing of our patron, Bishop Basil Meeking, Emeritus Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand.  Bishop Meeking was a good and holy man who assisted the Traditional Latin Mass Movement in New Zealand and Australia and overseas.  May he rest in peace.

As reported in New Zealand Catholic today:

Bishop Basil Meeking, Bishop Emeritus of Christchurch, dies aged 90

Bishop Basil

The Bishop of Christchurch, Bishop Paul Martin,SM, has announced today, 11 June 2020 the death of Bishop Emeritus Most Reverend Basil Meeking, DD.

Bishop Meeking aged 90 passed away at Christchurch Hospital after a recent period of ill-health.
Bishop Meeking was the seventh bishop of Christchurch. He was firstly ordained as a priest in 1953 and then as a bishop in 1987. He served as bishop from 1987 until 1996.

Bishop Meeking served in a number of parishes in the diocese and held other pastoral appointments such as chaplain to Christchurch Hospital and representing the Catholic Church to the National Council of Churches.

He undertook doctoral studies from 1963-1966 in Rome at the University of St Thomas Angelicum and in 1969 was appointed to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome where he worked for the next 18 years.

Bishop Martin said “Bishop Basil had a great love of priesthood and has left us a legacy of priests who have a strong identity in their priesthood”

Since his retirement as the Bishop of Christchurch, Bishop Meeking worked from 1997 to 2006 with the late Cardinal Francis George of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He then resided in Christchurch and continued giving retreats and talks in New Zealand and overseas.

Details of the funeral to follow.

May he rest in peace.



Bishop Basil Meeking’s homilies from Holy Week this year are now available as downloadable PDF’s on the website of :

His Lordship, Emeritus Bishop Basil Meeking, conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders upon Br Jean Marie, F.S.S.R., on Saturday 11 April 2015, in the first Extraordinary Form priestly ordination in the South Island for many decades.  Deo gratias!