The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand

Latin Mass Society of NZ Retreat 20 to 22 October 2023
Traditional Latin Mass Retreat Friday 20th October to Sunday 22 October 2023
Celebrant: Fr Robert Sharplin (Hamilton Diocese) VENUE: St Mary MacKillop Centre, 30 Holgate Road, Kohimarama, Auckland
The program will include: · Daily Traditional Latin Mass · Devotional talks by Fr Sharplin · Daily Rosary · Exposition and Benediction · Litanies, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and other devotions · Time for personal prayer and reflection · Meals as required per the below schedule.
Day attendance: $50.00 per day (including lunch, morning and afternoon tea, retreat costs). $100 for the full weekend. If supper required on Saturday evening this will be an additional cost. Day attendance without meals: $20 for Saturday (retreat costs) $40 for the full weekend Friday to Sunday. Live in: $200.00 (including two nights’ accommodation, all meals, retreat costs) One room still available. Payment: Please make payment to the Latin Mass Society of New Zealand ANZ bank a/c no. 11-5438-0112907-11. (If paying by Internet Banking please insert your name and “retreat”).
CONTACT: For further details and registration, email: Phone: 027 6128297