The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand
Affiliated with FIUV International Una Voce Federation:
To provide a means whereby Catholics may communicate their aspirations concerning the Immemorial Mass of the Latin Rite to the ecclesiastic authorities.
To provide financial, material and other appropriate support for the seminary education of aspirants who:
- Desire to carry out their priestly service in the institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life mandated to use the traditional Latin liturgical forms or whom:
- Their local ordinaries send to study in seminaries established, inter alia, to train priests in the traditional Latin liturgical forms.
To provide financial, material and other appropriate support for the establishment in New Zealand, with ecclesiastical approval, of institutes of consecrated life or societies of apostolic life mandated to use the traditional Latin liturgical forms.
To provide financial, material and other appropriate support for the establishment of confraternities of clerics, laymen or laywomen who wish, after fitting preparation and the accustomed period of approbation, to be formed into institutes of consecrated life or societies mandated to use the traditional Latin liturgical forms.
To provide financial, material and other appropriate assistance to individual priests, institutes, or societies mandated to use the traditional Latin liturgy. This assistance can take these forms:
- Furnishing altars and churches in a manner suitable for the celebration of the liturgy according to the venerable rites.
- Providing the necessary training, instruments and music to choirs in order that the venerable rites be celebrated with the traditional music of the church, especially the Gregorian chant.
To assist materially the philosophical, theological and liturgical foundation of Catholics, by promoting the study of Latin and of the teaching and history of the church concerning its liturgy, and, in particular of the authentic principles of liturgical development.
To provide such other financial, material and other appropriate support for the preservation, restoration or propagation of the traditional Latin liturgical forms, as the Council of the Society may from time to time reasonably decide.