The Latin Mass Society of New Zealand

Praying the Latin Mass as the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Praying the Latin Mass as the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Latin Mass Society of New Zealand Council member, Dr Sharon Crooks, provides an insight into how the Traditional Latin Mass can be prayed as the Passion of Our Lord in her new booklet ‘Praying the Latin Mass as the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ’.  Designed to be used in the Extraordinary Form Latin Mass, it can be read (and stored) alongside the Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962.  There are numerous ways of ‘participating’ and assisting in the Mass, including following the prayers of the Mass in the Missal or focusing on Our Lord’s Passion.  Usually we do both given that the Holy Mass is the unbloodied Sacrifice of the Cross; it is renewed each time we participate in the Mass.
This booklet draws on the lived experiences of St Padre Pio and St Francis de Sales, and is supported by the exquisite writings of St Peter of Alcantara (St Teresa of Avila’s spiritual director). Our Lord demonstrated, by joining the disciples on the road to Emmaus, that He will draw closest to us when our mind is on His Passion.  This booklet is an aid to entering into that meditative/contemplative state and in doing so, provides a most perfect preparation for receiving Our Lord’s Holy Eucharistic Heart.
Price at $20 plus postage.
To order email
Sharon Crooks or Fr Peter Brockhill.